Picture courtesy of RunWitMe
First 10k race of the year. The race will be a test of speed as it will be run over Kenny Hills and out to Jalan Duta (where one need to climb the hill after Hoki Stadium) and then Jalan Parlimen before heading back to Dataran Merdeka. This route as measured before is around 10.8k
My plan is to sustain an average of sub5 minutes throughout the race. I know its not easy especially in the first 3k to 4k as I know I need to conserve energy for the 2nd part as its going to be hilly.
Met all the usual running friends like Jamie, Cheang, Lynn, Chin Chin, Loke SS, PM gang and many more. Race started on time by the Ketua Pengarah of DBKL. The first 2k was ran in a control and cautious manner and gradually increase my speed. Once I hit Km3, I increased my speed further and maintain it and then took on the hill near Hoki Stadium. I pushed a bit harder once on the downhill and its already Km6 now. Continue to push hard till Km7.
Knowing very well that there will be another uphill to climb at Jalan Parlimen, I slow down a bit to conserve some energy ( if I push harder ahead I wont be able to sustain it and pancit). As I reach Jalan Parlimen, took on the hill slowly and pickup some speed once I reached the Lake Garden junction. At this moment dont have much reserve to push harder and therefore just maintain pace throughout till I reached Dataran Merdeka.
The finishing point is inside the Selangor Club padang and all runners have to make a right turn after running along Dataran Merdeka. There is not much sprinting towards finsihing as I am quite sure & safe I should be able to get a finisher medal (150 medals for Jr Veteran category). Crossed the finishing point in 55.07mins and position 49.
Pretty satisfied with my time although I didnt manage to sustain an average sub5 mins pace for the race. Only manage 5.03min per km and more speedwork needed for the rest of the running season. Overall a great outing and at least a benchmark to tell me of my speed level.