Life is not all about work and making money. There is no life without good health, and my key principle in life is to stay healthy and enjoy the utmost of things that come along. I encourage friends that I know to do whatever form of outdoor exercise that they like to stay healthy. For me, running and mountain trekking is one way to challenge myself all the time and see how far I can go, and on top of it stay healthy.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
High Spirits
I made the right choice by not doing a 10k this morning and choose to have more sleep/rest but I still woke up at 8am. Do the normal house chores as wife is not at home for the weekend. Met the Navy boyz and deliver some shoes at LG. It was an honor to meet my fren and congrat him personally for coming out 2nd (Malaysian) in Ironman Langkawi.
The rest of the day will be chilling out at home before another week starts. Dont forget school reopens next week and back to the madness of traffic jams in the morning.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
The Problem with US Economy
The Problem with the US Economy:
Sweet and Simple
John Smith started the day early having set his alarm
for 6 am.
While his
was perking, he shaved with his
electric razor
He put on a
dress shirt
designer jeans
tennis shoes
After cooking his breakfast in his new
electric skillet
he sat down with his
to see how much he could spend today. After setting his
to the
he got in his
filled it with
(from Saudi Arabia )
and continued his search
for a good paying AMERICAN JOB.
At the end
of yet another discouraging
and fruitless day
checking his
(Made In Malaysia ),
Joe decided to relax for a while.
He put on his
poured himself a glass of
and turned on his
and then wondered
why he can't find
a good paying job
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
StanChart KL Marathon 2009
Dear Runner
Octagon, a division of CMGRP (M) Sdn. Bhd and Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad are pleased to commence the official registration and website for the Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2009, the biggest and most rewarding marathon to hit Malaysia.
To commemorate the start of the registration tomorrow, we are having some activities in KL to kick off the registration. We would like to invite you to come over to Pavilion KL to join in on the festivities. Lucky runners who sign up tomorrow at Pavilion KL will stand a chance to win thumb drives, free registration and a grand prize of 2 VIP Access Passes to attend the Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2009 (great gift for your friends and family).
When ? 10.00am to 1.00pm on 13 March 2009 (Friday)
Where ? Espressamente Illy Café
Lot 310, Level 3, Pavilion KL, 168 Jalan Bukit Bintang
55100 Kuala Lumpur (facing Bintang Walk)
Or if you’re unable to come over to Pavilion KL, no worries. Just log on to www.kl-marathon.com from tomorrow onwards to register! Also, tomorrow we will be sending you the official press release announcing the start of registration to post on your blog.
If you need more info about what is happening tomorrow, please do not hesitate to contact:
Weber Shandwick Malaysia, at 03-7843 3100, or;
Alina Morais amorais@webershandwick.com (017 323 3078 / 03 7843 3125)
Norhayati Malek nmalek@webershandwick.com (012 713 2770 / 03 7843 3129)
Marc Ng marc5133@yahoo.com (019 3196032)
Alina Morais
Weber Shandwick
4-01, 4th Floor
Wisma LYL
No. 12, Jalan 51A/223
46100 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
T: +603 7843 3100 | DL: +603 7843 3125 | F: +603 7843 3199
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Wild Wild Run 2009
Click here for individual pictures.
This is probably a run that nobody had organized. The Wild Wild Run and the location is running a 10k route (1.85km x 5) inside the zoo. Ideas came out as I was planning for a run in Feb 2009 but due to time constraint have to abandon it. Then came fresh ideas and the suggestion of having it at the zoo came out. What a brilliant idea and work got started.
A few calls were made and I representing the organising team (on behalf of Der Pacemakers Network) went to meet up with the Customer Service Team of Zoo Negara to inform them of our event and get their approval to organise our run there.
Within a few days, I got a call from the Zoo informing me that we can go ahead and hold the event at their facility. Immediately the think tank team got into action. First was to arrange for a day to reckee the place and find out how is the running route and whats the distance. The team comprising of Wong Kei Meng - Race Director, Ronnie See - Race Advisor, Julie - Planner, Pueh Tian - Official Race Videographer and myself went to visit the zoo.
Things fall into places, and registration was open to the public. Within days the places of all categories was filling up quickily. I guessed a lot of runners felt that its a unique event and yet a good idea to kill two birds with one stone. Run in the zoo and visit all the animals after the race.
To cut the story short, things went well as the planning progresses and the team was ready for race day. This time I was part of the event as a sponsor for the race under Saucony and Ccube Sports Hub, and on top of that as a volunteer too.
I reached the zoo entrance very early at about 5.45am as I stay pretty nearby. About 15mins later I was greeted by Gege Tey arriving as our Official Race Photographer. Really kamsiah to him for helping out as he just came back from the Langkawi Ironmen photography session. Then more runners started to arrive and I help divert them to the carpark area and register themselves before entering the zoo.
I was also designated to ferry all the barang barang like tables and foodstuff into the zoo. So have to make frequent trips in and out to ensure all the barang barang arrived and attended to. Moving around the zoo was greeted by pitch dark atmosphere only assisted by the lights from those kerosene cans along the walking path. Cool breeze and sounds of the birds and insects were felt and heard. Occasionally I can hear the roar of the big cats (cant differentiate if its a lion or a tiger) By 7.15am the sky starts to brighten up and it makes moving around easier and we can see almost all the runners have already gathered at the starting point waiting anxiously for the race to begin.
The race started off a tat late as we could not disseminate the checkpoint marshall earlier as the area was really dark then. I was given the privelege to flag off the race as the key sponsor. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and off they go. It was such a pleasure to see the race started of after many weeks of planning. And now its the crunching moments to ensure that all runners are taken care of from a hospitality standpoint. Its down to the team to make sure all nitty gritty things are look into so as to ensure there is very little mistakes and faults.
All male runners have to run 4 x 1.85km loop while the women runners have to run 4 x 1.85km loop. Round and round they ran and the timekeepers were busy calling out the bib numbers and marking down the number of loops each runner completes. The atmosphere was a very happy one with everyone joking especially our MC - Kelvin Ng cracking jokes after jokes and the runners are not spared too. The running environment was definitely special as I believed all runners get to hear the big cats roared, the birds chipping away, stocks flying freely along their running path and the aroma of the waste from the animals within the zoo.
The first runner completed the 5 loops in about 31mins and a very fast time indeed. Then more and more runners started to complete the race. After that they were diverted to the hosting area where the runners get to collect their finisher medal plus breakfast + drinks was on the house. It was really a carnival with the objective of promoting running as a healthy lifestyle. Not too sure how many packets of nasi lemak had those runners eat after the race, hehehe!!!! You called this healthy.....never mind lah. These calories can be burn off in no time.
Group photos of runners were taken after the race and the organising team had a photo taken as well with the Zoo Negara team who supported us in the event. I too had a field day meeting with some runners who needed to purchase some shoes from me and also took the opportunity to distribute my business card for future business with all the runners. Hopefully I can get some impact from this event.
As the race come to an end, the runners bid goodbye and some stayed back to walk around the zoo. We the volunteers team start to do the packup to ensure the rubbish are all collected and disposed to the bins and not left lying around. Packing up of tables, chairs and drinks and ferried all these barabg barang back to respective owners. And finally when it almost come to an end, we found out that we still have some 15-20 entrance tickets not used (there are some no shows)
We decided to get the permission from the zoo to resell the tickets to the visitors at the Main Entrance gate and the approval was given. So before we left home the team of Ronnie, Rachel, Julie, Ryan and myself became ticket touts selling tickets to some zoo visitors. Anyway we are selling it at a discounted price (given by the zoo) and its a no brainer ofnot buying it. And in no time all the tickets were snapped up and we got some money back, else it will go to a waste.
Well that was the finale of the day before the team parted and reach out to their own home. Overall I felt that the event was pretty well organised although we did a quick post mortem that there are some gaps. Need some improvements in these area when we come to organise the next event.
Cheers and hope everyone had an enjoyable and unique race at the Zoo. At the time of writing I have already received some email request of organising it again next year. Der Wild Wild Run 2010.....yet to be seen.
Friday, March 06, 2009
International Golden Towerthon 2009

Venue: Basement KL Tower
Date: 26 July 2009 (Sunday)
Time: 8.00am
A - Men and Women above 70
B - Men and Women 60 - 70
C - Men and Women 50 - 60
D - Men and Women 40 -50
For further details and download of entry form, please click here
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Winter Sonata in Malaysia

They are probably the best couple in town right now. Its power transition period and both are not speaking out. They just keep quite about the whole issue in Perak. As the head of state you cannot allow such things to happen. BN is too afraid to go for a snap state wide election. They know the party will loose big time if it happen. Anyway its oredi happening. The more you drag the issue the worst it become. Betul Najis - you are loosing the confidence of the rakyat day by day, and I can bet come next election BN is just a nobody party. Only good for I dont know what. You cannot even solve simple political issues, let alone running the country effectively.
For god sake, no matter what please do something in Perak. These are things that the country need to sort out quickly and focus on how to combat the world economic meltdown. Both of them still think that Malaysia is not affected. We are in a denial mode....What a Winter Sonata!!!
Next is the Monday flash flood. Whats happening dude!!! I would guess those who were affected lost a fair amount of $$$$ be it their car was submerged underwater, their business completely stops, people trap inside buildings, an international furniture exhibition was totalled ruined by the flood, etc,etc. We are oredi in an economic downturn and yet we allow floods continue to happen year in year out, causing people to lose money unnecessary.
I read today's paper, and as usual nobody is owning to it. The SMART tunnel folks said its not build to channel water from other rivers except Klang river. So the other river overflows and we cannot do anything about it. (until some god knows what kolam are build) What a Winter Sonata!!!! Where is the Datuk Bandar of DBKL and Minister of FT, both are keeping their mouth shut. I think both shud resign as you are paid to do a job and are not doing it at all. Another Winter Sonata!!!
I dont want to write anymore because everyone knows there is a long list of it. The moral of the story ~ Malaysia is enjoying its WINTER SONATA.......
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
KL in a chaos
This was a clip that I captured using my mobile phone on my way home. The banks of Klang river overflowed causing havoc to many areas in the city. The worst affected area was Jalan Ipoh.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
KL Towerthon 2009
Let the clips do the talking.