Did he know what he is talking?? And I think in no time he will get bombarded left, right and centre. Watch my words. This happened before if I remembered correctly that Rahmat dude said he will ban all advertisement that uses foreigners as the cast.
Tell me now, do these faces below look more like Pan-Asians or Malaysians. These are the faces that we seen in the local ads most of the time and I believed they are probably the most sort after. And they are all MALAYSIANS!!!!. Anyway we Malaysians are already campur oredi (mixed blood).
Who can really tell me how a true Malaysian looks like????
elaine daly has a high forehead but i like her spunky look.
and i've always liked deanna.
the other one is sofea jane.
as for the ministers, they're always talking thru their ass. niamah!
elaine daly has a high forehead but i like her spunky look.
and i've always liked deanna.
the other one is sofea jane.
as for the ministers, they're always talking thru their asses. niamah!
Yalah, the ministers talk kok worst than us in the Shoutbox, today newspaper very big announcement. form task force to ensure no red tapes. bottom line is DELIVERY. Lets see, Lets see....
Pak Lah, pls beat the ass up of all ur downline, there are not performing, where is the KPIs and measurements!!!!
Cannot meet KPIs, out you go, dun talk kok anymore.
C-cube now u know what 'Malaysia Boleh' is about right? lol lol
The minister himself is an ugly duckling so what an u expect? :-)
C-cube, everyone wants to be a hero. Once you're appointed as a cabinet minister, you'll want to be remembered for something, like the Education Ministers who came up with a variety of policies, syllabi and what-nots which as I see only made lab rats out of our kids. So this dude seems like he wants to be famous for eliminating the Pan-Asian looks on tv commercial, macam championing authentic malay/chinese/indian looks lah! Shortage of issues maybe! I wish they weren't as dumb as they look...
haza, yah if wanna make noise and become HERO, must also be logical and sensible. dont simply tembak like a loose canon, people not stupid nowadays. can catch ur mistake very easily. the problem is some of those dudes dun think b4 opening their big mouth. anyway lets open our eyes and see what happen next!!!!
i think this is due to their "marriage proposal" being rejected lah.. that's why they banned the pan-asian beauties on tv.. :)
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